Three Story
Key that Belonged to David
Bride of the Lamb
Cloud of Unknowing
The Golden Rule
The Lamb
Four Epochs
The Self
The Bridge
Become aware of where we are
through shared thoughts of one another.
Become aware of where we are
through shared thoughts of one another.
1:16 (1+6)=1:7
1:16 (1+6)=1:7
1:16 (1+6)=1:7
of the Self
On his robe and on his leg was written the name: "King of kings and Lord of lords."
We now come to Revelation 19:16. "King of kings and Lord of lords," the hierarchy of ranks, are the ruling symbols of the personality. "King of kings" belongs in the world of deeds, as symbolized by the robe, and its center is the Ego. "Lord of lords" is the bridging spirit that connects the contents of the unconscious to the conscious Ego, as it is written on the leg (da·ri). In totality, it's the "superordinate personality," and its nucleus is the Self, the guiding ruler that occupies the center in every one of us.
Carl Jung
The "superordinate personality" is the total man, i.e., man as he really is, not as he appears to himself. To this wholeness the unconscious psyche also belongs, which has its requirements and needs just as consciousness has.
The "superordinate personality" brings us to the initials SP. In the field of time, SP stands for the Starting Point and the Sealing Point, the outer manifestation of the One (원), the circle. Inside the One, SP denotes the Still Point, the center. As the bridge that connects pairs of opposites from within, SP designates the Straight Path. In its pure essence, SP stands for the Stone of the Philosopher. 'S' is the 19th letter in the alphabet. 'P' is the 16th letter in the alphabet. SP as number is 19.16.
19:16 is the numerical representation of "the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega." 1 and 9 stand for the first and the last. Two dots in the middle are the starting point and the sealing point, the beginning and the end. 1 and 6 designate the Alpha and the Omega. The Alpha, the first letter in the Greek alphabet. The Omega, the last letter in the Greek alphabet, the 24th (2+4=6). They are the symbols of demarcation—front and behind, left and right, above and below—to which to establish the axis mundi.

Ego + Self
The structure of the psyche as a whole contains the conscious and the unconscious. The ego is the center of the field of conscious, and the Self, the center of the total psyche. They are two autonomous factors that function independently from one another, but a cooperative reciprocal action between the two must subsist for the psychological equilibrium.
Carl Jung
Man and His Symbol
For the sake of mental stability and even physiological health, the unconscious and the conscious must be integrally connected and thus move on parallel lines. If they are split apart or “dissociated,” psychological disturbance follows.
The ego and the Self in the psyche of a single individual, and the phenomenology of their connection as two separate entities, like the relationship between two autonomous individuals, is poetically observed in the bittersweet work, "Untitled" (Perfect Lovers) by Felix Gonzalez-Torres.
We come into this world seemingly undivided, and "the uniform development exists only at the beginning." Time soon claims its effect on our being. As the ego is the sum-product of its environment, the force that moves the hand on the clock of the conscious comes from the outer world, but the hand on the clock of the unconscious runs on its own accord. In time, the movement of the conscious and the unconscious are no longer in sync. They grow apart. Just as the passage of time acts as the dividing factor for the separation between the ego and the Self, once more, it is time that will bring the two back together in unison to move on parallel lines.

Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York and David Zwirner, New York/London
"Untitled" (Perfect Lovers), Felix Gonzales-Torres

We must turn our attention back to the bride, for 19:16 (1+9, 1+6) equals 1:7, the one holding the seven stars in his right hand, the bride. The bride is the subject 'I' that belongs in the field of time; it is every individual in potential.
In the middle of the garden of Eden, there are two trees—the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life is the source from which the springs of living water flows to the four corners of the world, the informing energy that comes from the center of our being, the Lamb. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the bearer of the fruit, the bride, in the form of discernible information in the world of matter.
The bride is a preliminary state the ego must reach in order to connect with the Lamb. Successively, once the reconciliation has been made, paradise is a state of being that is maintained by retaining the conscious and the unconscious integrally connected, and the energy that bridges the two, the Lamb to the bride, is the S:Even spirit of God.
Here is the secret meaning of the seven stars that you see in my right hand, and of the seven gold lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

From the very beginning, various signs guided me to consider the significance of SP, which led me to 19:16 and 1:7. All three are correlating symbols. In the Book of Revelation, there are five passages in which the number of verses adds up to 1:7. The passages include 1:7, 1:16, 10:7, 19:7, and 19:16. They are verses we've examined except for 10:7.
But when the seventh angel blows his trumpet, then God will accomplish his secret plan, as he announced it to his servants, the prophets.
God's Secret Plan, again SP, points us to another SP, namely Smart Phone, the device that deluges us with information transmitted via the cloud. As of January 2020, it is estimated that there are around 3.5 billion smartphone users around the world. And more than 50 percent own a device made by either Samsung or Apple. Samsung is a Korean company. The name Samsung is composed of two words, 'sam' (삼) stands for three and 'sung' (성) star. Samsung means Three Stars, the symbolic representation of three wise men—the three witnesses, body, spirit, and mind, to the coming of the Self. The brand mark of the Apple company is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the manifestation of the seven spirits of God in the world of opposites.
The arrangement of the numbers on the dial keypad contains the structural measurement of the Holy City, the mandala of the equilibrated Self. By adding sets of three numbers across horizontally and reduced to a single digit, we get 6/6/6, which produces 216 when multiplied, the height of the wall of the city. By adding sets of three numbers vertically and reduced to a single digit, it comes to 3/6/9, the numbers assigned to three axes on a six-pointed star.

When three numbers in the middle are added horizontally and vertically, they both produce 15. And by adding three numbers diagonally on both sides, they both equal 15, the measurement of the city. In total, there are four fifteens, which equals 6 when added to itself, the four living creatures with six wings.
Three lines drawn horizontally from top to bottom is the Chinese character three, and three lines marked vertically from left to right is the Roman numeral three, the orientation of the East and the West. The East and the West are complementary ends of a single planet, our Mother Earth. The character 'ten' of the East and the West are both represented as the cross. When two crosses are merged, they form four axes: Front and behind, left and right, above and below, and lastly, in and out. Four pairs of opposites coming together in the place of number 5. Five in Korean is called 'O' (오), the center. The single point from which all things flow forth and dissolve back, the place where we are all connected as ONE. This is God's Call.

Then I saw heaven open, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True; it is with justice that he judges and fights his battles.
The robe he wore was covered with blood. The name by which he is called is "The Word of God." 14 The armies of heaven followed him, riding on white horses and dressed in clean white linen.
Final Judgement
Our capacity to communicate with one another is perhaps the most invaluable faculty God has bestowed on humanity. The ability to relate our experience, not only with people of our time but with those who came before us and those who will come after us, is what connects us across time and space—affecting each other perhaps without ever seeing each other.
Walt Whitman
Leaves of Grass
And that my soul embraces you this hour, and we affect each other without ever seeing each other, and never perhaps to see each other, is every bit as wonderful.
The word 'horse' in Korean is called 'mal' (말), which also stands for spoken words. The word itself is a carrier, the form encapsulating the content. The intention projected in the words we speak is the aim of the arrow, but the intention does not warrant that the aim will hit the mark. As our history plainly tells, some of the worst atrocities have been committed against humankind declared as the movement towards the betterment of the human condition. Therefore, one's intention alone cannot be the proper means of judgment for evaluating the value of one's action. Besides, self-deception lies at the very bottom in the chamber of deceit. The underlying motive in words we speak is what is carried forward, the riders on the horse. The driving force that moves the individual to action is what one propagates in the world with one's aim. They are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The rider on the white horse is called "Faithful and True" because the words one speaks is faithful to one's conviction and true to one's claim. It is with justice, the Golden Rule, that he judges and fights his battle. The name by which he is called is "The Word of God," for That which rides forth on the white horse is the illuminating Spirit of the Absolute.
Energy is never lost; it only transforms and transfers from one form to another. The inspiration we intake is how we inform to structure the neural pathway of our inner world. The respiration we impart is how we influence to shape the outer world. The family and friends, the coworkers in the workplace, the strangers we pass by on the street, all the interaction between people we encounter in our waking hours are the ways we partake in creating the world we inhabit. In the end, what we manifest in our lifetime by the choices we make will be judged not by the kingdom we erect with the stones but the hearts we touch with our spirit.

St. Cuthbert's Chapel, Ushaw College

Divine Comedy
The experience of my journey has given me a glimpse of both the frightful and the benevolent sides of God. The other quality I got to observe is God's peculiar, almost child-like, sense of humor. This trait is most apparent in God's play on words in Korean and English. The other kind of puns I recognized was the sort of inside joke you exchange with your closest friends predicated on the events you've shared. I cannot let you in on the jokes because they require explanation, and that defeats the point. But I believe the following was meant for everyone.
As a child, most Koreans are told by the parents, usually by the father, that you were found under the bridge, insinuating that you may not be their biological offspring. One typically protests against such suggestion but secretly wish that the "real parents" might be someone grander than the ones you have. When one becomes old enough to know where babies come from, you realize the full implication of the joke. The bridge (dari) that you were found is not a structural bridge for crossing but 'dari' that belongs to your mom. As we are made whole through the second birth by the bridging spirit of God, it appears, God had one more layer to reveal in the story.